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Drink-driver who Killed Cyclist gets Home Detention
He had attended counselling for drugs and alcohol, attended restorative justice, and agreed to pay Milne’s family $18,000 in reparations.

Tomahawk Wielding Robber has Heartfelt Restorative Justice Meeting
An Invercargill shop assistant faced up to the man who had menaced her with a tomahawk during a meth-infused crime spree, when he appeared in the Invercargill District Court today.

Mother of newborn baby found buried in backyard referred to restorative justice programme
A woman who did not know she was pregnant when she gave birth to a baby who then died has been referred to a restorative justice programme.

Online Bully invited to Restorative Justice
Christchurch City Councillor Sara Templeton wants to meet the troll who harassed her online.

Call for More Restorative Justice
After Olive Gully's husband was killed in a robbery gone wrong, she spent more than a decade being angry.
She wanted answers, and she wanted them from the man who did it.

Father forgives Driver at Restorative Justice Conference
Father Glen Vivian said he met with de la Harpe at a restorative justice meeting, which was “emotionally charged” and showed de la Harpe was also suffering.
“He has lost his livelihood and will to live.

Restorative Justice for man who Filmed his ex in Bed
Defence lawter Mark Dollimore told the court that the Restorative Justice process had "real potential", and that Winstanley had "quite maturely" engaged in counselling.

Teen Driver Kills his Best Friend
His lawyer acknowledged he was “not truthful” originally. But said he expressed remorse in the two restorative justice meetings, which were “very stressful and highly emotional”.

Gang Member attends Restorative Justice
A gang member received a discounted sentence, partly because he attended a restorative justice meeting with the victim he had viciously assualted.

Dannevirke Driver Attends Restorative Justice Meeting
The Judge commented that the report from restorative justice was good, showing the value of the process for both the driver and the victim.

Meatworks Seeks Restorative Justice
Judge Walsh remanded the company to June 20 for restorative justice to take place with the case now headed back to the Environment Court for sentencing.

Black Power Member Forgiven by Victim
Black Power member Christopher Rata kicked the backdoor of his victim's home open before viciously assaulting the man and stealing his cellphone but he has been forgiven for his trespass.Rata engaged with his victim in a Restorative Justice conference, which was positive, and had written an apology letter to him.

Family Chooses Forgiveness Over Prison in USA Murder Case
Donald Fields Jr faced a life sentence after he was charged with his father’s murder. Instead, his case became a pioneering instance of restorative justice

Young father Loses Both Arms in Electric Shock
The judge noted that the comany the man worked for immediately went to the scene to support employees following the incident and then apologised to Nelson and attended restorative justice.

Mongrel Mob member seeks restorative justice meeting with Black Power over assault
A Mongrel Mob member whose car was used to twice run down a Black Power member in Ashburton last year now wants a restorative justice meeting with his victims.

Pet Food Company Fined $70,000
Tauranga pet food compnay fined $70,00 after numerous complaints. The judge noted its guilty pleas and participation in restorative justice processes.

Ashley Judd Meets Man who Raped Her
Ashley Judd says she met the man who raped her in 1999 and sat down for a "restorative justice" conversation with him.

Driver Ignored Screams to Stop
David Josiah William Brown refused to stop before he lost control of the car at Ruawai, killing a teenager in the boot and breaking the backs of three other passengers. But Judge Tomlinson commended Deziah’s mother for taking part in a restorative justice process with Brown.

NZ Play about Restorative Justice
Nelson playwright explores restorative justice in Aotearoa.

Youth worker says restorative justice, not punishment needed to tackle juvenile offending
Mā Te Huruhuru founder Māhera Maihi told AM on Tuesday punitive measures are not the way to fix crime in New Zealand.

Young Driver from Shannon Kills Cousin
Facilitators from Manawatu Restorative Justice Trust held a conference with driver and her whanau.

Former Prison Officer attends Restorative Justice meeting with his wife
The judge included attending restorative justice as a mitigating factor when passing sentence.

Man Avoids Massive Reparation Bill
A successful restorative justice meeting helped a man avoid a $40,000 reparation claim.

Restorative Justice More Effective than Prison for Hate Crimes
Studies in the USA suggest restorative justice might offer a way to identify and mend the harm caused by hate crimes.